Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-csharp

A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
MIT License
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Add support for GPT-4v #257

Closed LittleLittleCloud closed 4 months ago

LittleLittleCloud commented 6 months ago

Please provide us with the following information:

Feature overview

- [ ] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [x] feature request
- [ ] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)
Coruscate5 commented 4 months ago

Just as a cheering section, I'm actively looking forward to this feature - I've been testing GPT4v but we've mostly been focused on data syncing optimization in AI Search, so excited to see some samples on it!

luisquintanilla commented 4 months ago


azd env set USE_AOAI false
azd env set USE_VISION true
azd env set OPENAI_CHATGPT_DEPLOYMENT gpt-4-vision-preview