Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo

A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
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Can't figure out how to change border color of example questions #1684

Closed bp3000bp closed 3 weeks ago

bp3000bp commented 3 weeks ago

Please provide us with the following information:

This issue is for a: (mark with an x)

- [ ] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [x] feature request
- [ ] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)

Minimal steps to reproduce


Any log messages given by the failure


Expected/desired behavior

Would like to change the border color when you hover over one of the suggested questions (currently blue). I was able to find and modify pretty much every other color I needed to; this is the only one I have struggled to locate. Just looking to have someone point it out to me and show how to customize this piece. I am very much a beginner working with this stuff so forgive me if this is obvious and I'm missing something.

OS and Version?

Windows 11 Pro

azd version?

azd version 1.9.3


Mention any other details that might be useful

Thanks! We'll be in touch soon.