Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo

A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
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Can't change placeholder #1699

Open bp3000bp opened 2 weeks ago

bp3000bp commented 2 weeks ago

Please provide us with the following information:

This issue is for a: (mark with an x)

- [ ] bug report -> please search issues before submitting
- [ ] feature request
- [x] documentation issue or request
- [ ] regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped in a new release)

Minimal steps to reproduce

use this github repo with customization

Any log messages given by the failure


Expected/desired behavior

I would like to change the placeholder text on the "Ask a question" page. I was able to change the placeholder on the chat page. I have changed every part of the code that says "Example: Does my plan cover annual eye exams?". Where could this be coming from? I am a beginner at this, just looking for an explanation of where this could be coming from if it no longer exists anywhere in the code. Already cleared the cache and ran azd up and azd deploy several times. Any advice?

OS and Version?

Windows 11 Pro

azd version?

azd version 1.9.3 (commit e1624330dcc7dde440ecc1eda06aac40e68aa0a3)



Mention any other details that might be useful

help me

Thanks! We'll be in touch soon.

pamelafox commented 2 weeks ago

It should be here, in Ask.tsx:

                    placeholder="Example: Does my plan cover annual eye exams?"

Sorry it's so difficult, we'll eventually move all strings into JSON files so they can be easily changed and translated.

bp3000bp commented 2 weeks ago

i already changed that and it hasnt shown up on the site. I cleared my cache and ran azd up and deploy several times since. thank you for the reply

bp3000bp commented 2 weeks ago

do you all have any sort of call support to help me troubleshoot issues? or is there anywhere i can get direct support? thank you

pamelafox commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, we don't have the resources to provide direct support. If you are working with a Customer Solutions Architect at Microsoft, they may be able to help as well.

I would suggest that you test the change locally first, make sure it works, before running azd up. If it works locally, then it should work on production, as long as the deployment succeeds.

This is my general guide on debugging deployments:

And the guide on customization, if you haven't seen it: