Closed phoevos closed 4 months ago
AFAIK AI studio chat bot creation is sundowned. Better understand the code and stick with you keyboard but mouse. It’s because the whole setup is still evolving to fast, so simple solutions are still not there:/
This is how I'm setting up the hub/connections/project through Bicep:
resource aiHub 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces@2024-04-01' = {
name: aiHubName
location: location
tags: tags
identity: { type: managedIdentity ? 'SystemAssigned' : 'None' }
properties: {
keyVault: keyVaultId
storageAccount: storageAccountId
containerRegistry: containerRegistryId
applicationInsights: applicationInsightsId
kind: 'hub'
resource aiServicesConnection 'connections' = {
name: '${aiHubName}-connection-oai'
properties: {
category: 'AzureOpenAI'
target: aiServicesTarget
authType: 'AAD'
isSharedToAll: false
metadata: {
ApiType: 'Azure'
ResourceId: aiServicesId
resource aiSearchConnection 'connections' = {
name: '${aiHubName}-connection-search'
properties: {
category: 'CognitiveSearch'
target: aiSearchTarget
authType: 'AAD'
isSharedToAll: false
metadata: {
ApiType: 'Azure'
ResourceId: aiSearchId
resource aiProject 'Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces@2024-04-01' = {
name: aiProjectName
location: location
tags: tags
identity: { type: managedIdentity ? 'SystemAssigned' : 'None' }
properties: {
kind: 'project'
The Search connection is created as seen below:
When I navigate to the Chat > Add your data
tab though, the index is not there:
If I follow the instructions in the Add a new data source
form, I get a cryptic error:
How do I debug this? Is there anything else I need to configure for the AAD connections to work?
It looks like you are trying to use the On Your Data feature. That is not used by this repo. The closest repo is since that is the code behind the On Your Data deployable app.
However, for issues specific with AI Search, they recommend filing a support ticket with the service. Do you see an option in the Portal to file a support ticket?
I am closing this issue, since it's not something resolvable in this codebase.
I am creating a hub and a project on AI Studio and I'd like to add a connection to Azure AI Search.
I understand that key-based authentication was disabled for the Search service as a security optimisation. However, API key authentication is the only method exposed through the AI Studio UI when creating a connection. At the same time, I see that the free tier for Search does not support managed identity. What can I do about this?
I'm not limited by what's exposed through AI Studio since I'm using Bicep for the deployment anyway. I'm just using the UI for reference, given that it's hard to tell what's actually supported for each kind of service/connection.