Azure-Samples / chat-with-your-data-solution-accelerator

A Solution Accelerator for the RAG pattern running in Azure, using Azure AI Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. This includes most common requirements and best practices.
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New Deployment Failed - adminweb #588

Closed mirojs closed 1 month ago

mirojs commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

New deployment failed upon executing azd up. The adminweb was not there in the resource group.

Expected behavior

A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

How does this bug make you feel?

Share a gif from giphy to tells us how you'd feel

Debugging information

Steps to reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Run azd up
  2. See error:

Deploying services (azd deploy)

(x) Failed: Deploying service adminweb

ERROR: getting target resource: resource not found: unable to find a resource tagged with 'azd-service-name: adminweb'. Ensure the service resource is correctly tagged in your infrastructure configuration, and rerun provision

ERROR: error executing step command 'deploy --all': getting target resource: resource not found: unable to find a resource tagged with 'azd-service-name: adminweb'. Ensure the service resource is correctly tagged in your infrastructure configuration, and rerun provision


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


If applicable, add logs to help the engineer debug the problem.


To be filled in by the engineer picking up the issue

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the bug report @mirojs. Can you check your .azure/your-env-name/.env file and tell me what the value of the AZURE_APP_SERVICE_HOSTING_MODEL variable is?

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur Thanks for the super fast response! It's AZURE_APP_SERVICE_HOSTING_MODEL="container"

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

Ok, if you're deploying from your clone of the repo, please follow the instructions at

Specifically, you need to run


before azd up.

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

@mirojs can you confirm whether that fixed your problem?

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur For the previous deployed one, after using azd down -> azd up, it worked again. For brand new deployment, it would prompt "ERROR: listing accounts: listing subscriptions: failed to load subscriptions from tenant 'Default Directory' : reauthentication required, run azd auth login --scope to log in; failed to load subscriptions from tenant '---' : reauthentication required, run azd auth login --scope to log in". And the reauthentication didn't work.

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur For the previous deployed one, after using azd down -> azd up, there's an error "ERROR - Container web-...-admin_... for site web-...-admin has exited, failing site start "

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur Managed For brand new deployment, azd auth logout -> azd auth login -> azd up -> ERROR: error executing step command 'package --all': failed packaging service 'adminweb': failed invoking event handlers for 'prepackage', 'prepackage' hook failed with exit code: '127', Path: '/tmp/'. : exit code: 127, stdout: , stderr: /tmp/ 5: poetry: not found

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

Looks like you might not be running with a devcontainer. Are you following the steps at exactly?

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur Yep, exactly

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur Sorry, I git clone from the repo first and then followed step 4 to 6 in the link since I need a private repo for the following code update

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

Ok,. Are you using VSCode? You will need to install the DevContainers extension for VSCode and open the Chat With Your Data project inside a DevContainer ( Then you can follow from step 4.

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur I'm not using VSCode but I could give it a try if that a must. In the meanwhile, how should the public repo update be synced and merged smoothly in that case?

superhindupur commented 1 month ago

There's another option. If you aren't using VSCode (and therefore can't use the devcontainers extension), follow

You can ignore the VSCode section, but install all the other mentioned tools. In your error message, you were missing 'poetry', which you will need to install (

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur It's deploying! One poetry away, thanks a million!

BTW, for one previous deployed App (git clone -->azd up), which was broken (container apps shown in resource group) following the public repo update, I did azd down --purge --> azd env set AZURE_APP_SERVICE_HOSTINGMODEL code --> azd up last night and the deployment went through but adminweb app could not be started now with "ERROR - Container web-...-admin... for site web-...-admin has exited, failing site start".

Any clue why container was mentioned in the error message? Anything else I could do to clean up further without starting over everything from the very beginning? Thanks.

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@superhindupur After deploying for a 3rd time, it started to work by itself. Not sure why. And thanks for the help!

ross-p-smith commented 1 month ago

@mirojs - can I close this?

mirojs commented 1 month ago

@ross-p-smith please, thanks for the help!