Open anne-a opened 3 months ago
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Any update on this issue please? I got the same error again yesterday, session IDs: c7ae6a2bd07640c699dd1a160bb7eef1 6ae5bd31d498418f9cce24e06464b590
Same problem.
RECOGNITION CANCELED: ErrorCode="ConnectionFailure" ErrorDetails="WebSocket operation failed. Internal error: 3. Error details: WS_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_ERROR SessionId: f7ab93cb9636441a908ae29f5f952ac2"
Once a recognizer cancels recognition, the internal state machine often can't be reset, leading to state transition errors.
IO connection errors are client side, and typically need a client log do diagnose. Also, as the base network layer is different for each OS, knowing that would also help.
Thanks, it was from an Azure Windows VM.
I got the following error from the speechRecognizer.Canceled event a few times yesterday and am not sure what caused it: ConnectionFailure WebSocket operation failed. Internal error: 3. Error details: WS_ERROR_UNDERLYING_IO_ERROR
Trying to resume the recognition using StartContinuousRecognitionAsync then returned the following error: SPXERR_START_RECOGNIZING_INVALID_STATE_TRANSITION
Are you able to see what caused the error? I don't have a log file, but below are the session IDs incase you can see anything in the service logs: 4dda6759092a4bf4b04ce4ba0840538c df82d2eb497646bbbb8504fcdf1da9c7