Azure-Samples / communication-services-python-quickstarts

Sample code for Azure Communication Services Python quickstarts
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Feature/add incoming call routing sample #12

Open nobodyabcd opened 2 years ago

nobodyabcd commented 2 years ago


This is the incoming call routing sample application shows how the Azure Communication Services Server, Calling package can be used to build IVR related solutions. This sample answer an incoming call from a phone number or a communication identifier and plays an audio message. If the caller presses 1 (tone1), the application will transfer the call. If the caller presses any other key then the application will ends the call after playing the audio message for a few times. The application is a console based application build using Python 3.9.

Does this introduce a breaking change?

[ ] Yes
[x] No

Pull Request Type

What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?

[ ] Bugfix
[x] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:

How to Test

git clone [repo-address]
cd [repo-name]
git checkout [branch-name]
cd IncomingCallRouting
pip install -r requirements.txt

What to Check

Verify that the following are valid N/A

Other Information