Azure-Samples / compute-python-msi-vm

This sample demonstrates how to create Azure virtual machine with Managed Service Identity Extension using a Python client
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Do we need to install the MSI extension any more? #3

Open atishbits opened 6 years ago

atishbits commented 6 years ago


Looking at some of the other documentation on authenticating using MSI from an MSI enabled Azure VM, it appears that we no longer require the localhost REST service running on 50342 in the MSI enabled VM. Instead, we can obtain oauth tokens using from this endpoint as documented here. Thus, it seems we no longer need to install the MSI REST service on azure VM. Infact I heard the localhost service will soon be deprecated? Please confirm.


lmazuel commented 6 years ago

Hi, Indeed all, MSI are now using IMDS to get the token. Python runtime is already updated to that, starting msrestazure 0.4.25. @yugangw-msft should I officially remove from all samples the extension, or it's still interesting for User defined MSI, or something I forgot?