Azure-Samples / contoso-chat

This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompt Flow and AI Studio. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent mapping for multiple LLM task mapping.
MIT License
366 stars 2.28k forks source link

ERROR: failed running post hooks: 'postprovision' hook failed with exit code: '1', Path: 'infra\hooks\'. : exit code: 1 #100

Closed dobahoang closed 2 months ago

dobahoang commented 2 months ago

When I run "azd up", I see that all services have been created successfully. However, I receive an error message afterwards. I have searched for a solution, but have not been successful. Can anyone provide me with any recommendations? please help me.

(-) Skipped: Didn't find new changes.

<3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:711: Failed to translate D:\Workspace\contoso-chat <3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessParseCommon:757: getpwuid(0) failed 2 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate d:\Workspace\contoso-chat\.venv\Scripts <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\CLI2\wbin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_351\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\system32 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate D:\download\apache-maven-3.8.7-bin\apache-maven-3.8.7\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Git\cmd <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Roaming\nvm <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\nodejs <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\PuTTY\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Java\scripts <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\Documents\cdk\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\RedHat\java-1.8.0-openjdk-\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\RedHat\java-1.8.0-openjdk-\jre\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311\Scripts <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Amazon\AWSCLIV2\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\Downloads\sqlite3 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\Downloads\sqlite <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\dotnet\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\anaconda3 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\MongoDB\mongosh-2.2.2-win32-x64\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate D:\file\\poppler-24.02.0\Library\bin\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Gradle\gradle-7.0.2\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\160\Tools\Binn\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\Tools\Binn\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\170\Tools\Binn\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DTS\Binn\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\160\DTS\Binn\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\scoop\shims <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\Scripts\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Shell 8.0\bin\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Roaming\npm <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Roaming\nvm <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\nodejs <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\RedHat\Podman <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\mongosh\ <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Ollama <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1\bin <3>WSL (10) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\Users\dbhoang\AppData\Local\Programs\Azure Dev CLI\ Processing fstab with mount -a failed. Failed to mount C:\, see dmesg for more details. Failed to mount D:\, see dmesg for more details. <3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:334: getpwuid(0) failed 2 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:505: execvpe /bin/bash failed 2 <3>WSL (10) ERROR: CreateProcessEntryCommon:508: Create process not expected to return ERROR: failed running post hooks: 'postprovision' hook failed with exit code: '1', Path: 'infra\hooks\'. : exit code: 1 ERROR: error executing step command 'provision': failed running post hooks: 'postprovision' hook failed with exit code: '1', Path: 'infra\hooks\'. : exit code: 1