Azure-Samples / contoso-chat

This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompt Flow and AI Studio. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent mapping for multiple LLM task mapping.
MIT License
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Endpoint resources are no longer supported, and have been migrated to connections. Please delete this resource and re-create it as a connection. #137

Open BarryShehadeh opened 2 weeks ago

BarryShehadeh commented 2 weeks ago

ERROR: error executing step command 'provision': deployment failed: error deploying infrastructure: deploying to subscription: Deployment Error Details: ValidationError: Endpoint resources are no longer supported, and have been migrated to connections. Please delete this resource and re-create it as a connection.

while deploying "Azure.ContentSaftey?


madiepev commented 2 weeks ago

I get the same error when running azd up

pwine123 commented 2 weeks ago

Getting the same error. Any insights into the root cause?

Xynratron commented 2 weeks ago


I run into the same error 30 min ago. Have a look at

There is a merge request, which replaces the endpoint with a connection.

In the bicep file '/infra/core/ai/hub.bicep' (starting at Line 57) replace the resource

  resource contentSafetyDefaultEndpoint 'endpoints' = {
    name: 'Azure.ContentSafety'
    properties: {
      name: 'Azure.ContentSafety'
      endpointType: 'Azure.ContentSafety'

with the following:

  resource contentSafetyConnection 'connections' = {
    name: 'aoai-content-safety-connection'
    properties: {
      category: 'AzureOpenAI'
      authType: 'ApiKey'
      isSharedToAll: true
      target:['Content Safety']
      metadata: {
        ApiVersion: '2023-07-01-preview'
        ApiType: 'azure'
      credentials: {
        key: openAi.listKeys().key1

Hope this helps, still deploying :-)

pwine123 commented 2 weeks ago

@Xynratron - Thank you, that helped resolved the issue.

nitya commented 1 week ago

Hey everyone - sorry for the delay but am catching up with issues now.

  1. The move from endpoints to connections-only was a recent change. We have now updated the main branch to move the AOAI connection to make it compliant and the original error should go away.

  2. We do need to add a connection based entry for the ContentSafety endpoint - which I am currently testing so expect that to be updated soon. In the interim, the basic RAG sample will still work as expected. The content safety resource is required to explore custom filters etc. and will be added back soon.

There is one pending timing issue that has already been reported (see #139) that we are tracking alongside.

Will close both these once we resolve these pending issues. Thanks for reporting!