Azure-Samples / contoso-chat

This sample has the full End2End process of creating RAG application with Prompt Flow and AI Studio. It includes GPT 3.5 Turbo LLM application code, evaluations, deployment automation with AZD CLI, GitHub actions for evaluation and deployment and intent mapping for multiple LLM task mapping.
MIT License
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InsufficientQuota Error #96

Closed mroopram closed 2 months ago

mroopram commented 2 months ago


I haven't been able to provision the required resources for this project. I was approved to use OpenAI, but I wasn't able to increase the quota tokens even though I've submitted 2 requests to do so.

Below are the 2 requests I sent and the most recent error code I've received. The original error was for gpt-35-turbo, the current error is for GPT4.

@mroopram ➜ /workspaces/contoso-chat-mr (cc2e808) $ ./
Running provisioning using this subscription:
  "name": "Azure subscription 1",
  "subscriptionId": "a36d451c-ca02-4072-b151-d92c51e3a9ed"
If that is not the correct subscription, please run 'az account set --subscription "<SUBSCRIPTION-NAME>"'
Creating resource group contchat-rg in swedencentral...
Provisioning resources in resource group contchat-rg...
ERROR: {"code": "InvalidTemplateDeployment", "message": "The template deployment 'contchat' is not valid according to the validation procedure. The tracking id is '70e2f569-cf28-4458-909e-7caaaaf19381'. See inner errors for details."}

Inner Errors: 
{"code": "InsufficientQuota", "message": "This operation require 10 new capacity in quota Tokens Per Minute (thousands) - GPT-4, which is bigger than the current available capacity 1. The current quota usage is 0 and the quota limit is 1 for quota Tokens Per Minute (thousands) - GPT-4."}
ERROR: Failed to provision resources. Please check the error message above.

QuotaRequest2 QuotaRequest1

mroopram commented 2 months ago


I was working off commit cc2e808. I see the main branch has the updated provision directions. I'll use the main branch going forward.

Thanks, Malini