Open ksaye opened 3 years ago
I updated the scripts needed to build out the TSI instance and plumbing. I don't have permissions to do a pull request, so here it is.
The commands below will create a storage account (needed by TSI) and provision the TSI environment
$storage="adtholtsitorage"+(get-random -maximum 10000)
az storage account create -g $rgname -n $storage --https-only -l $location
$key=$(az storage account keys list -g $rgname -n $storage --query [0].value --output tsv)
az tsi environment gen2 create --name '$tsiname' --location $location --resource-group $rgname --sku name="L1" capacity=1 --time-series-id-properties name='$dtId' type=String --warm-store-configuration data-retention=P7D --storage-configuration account-name=$storage management-key=$key
After the TSI environment is provisioned, we need to setup an event source. We will use the Event Hub that receives the processed Twin Change events
$es_resource_id=$(az eventhubs eventhub show -n tsi-event-hub -g $rgname --namespace $ehnamespace --query id -o tsv)
$shared_access_key=$(az eventhubs namespace authorization-rule keys list -g $rgname --namespace-name $ehnamespace -n RootManageSharedAccessKey --query primaryKey --output tsv)
az tsi event-source eventhub create --resource-group $rgname --name 'tsieh' --environment-name $tsiname --event-hub-name 'tsi-event-hub' --key-name RootManageSharedAccessKey --shared-access-key $shared_access_key --service-bus-namespace $ehnamespace --event-source-resource-id $es_resource_id --consumer-group-name '$Default' --location $location
Finally, configure permissions to access the data in the TSI environment.
$id=$(az ad user show --id $username --query objectId -o tsv)
az tsi access-policy create -g $rgname --environment-name $tsiname -n access1 --principal-object-id $id --description "some description" --roles Contributor Reader
The correct time series commands are:
az eventhubs eventhub create --name "tsi-event-hub" --resource-group $rgname --namespace-name $ehnamespace
az eventhubs eventhub authorization-rule create --rights Listen Send --resource-group $rgname --namespace-name $ehnamespace --eventhub-name "tsi-event-hub" --name
az tsi environment gen2 create --name $t siname --location $location --resource-group $rgname --sku name="L1" capacity=1 --time-series-id-properties name ='$dtId' type=String --warm-store-configuration data-retention=P7D --storage-configuration account-name=$storage management-key=$key
On page:
It has you run the command
az timeseriesinsights
does not seem to work.