Azure-Samples / iot-gateway-mqtt-http

MQTT and HTTP endpoints for Azure IoT Gateway in node.js using Mosca
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Message not send to Azure #1

Open rutgerhugen opened 7 years ago

rutgerhugen commented 7 years ago

If have installled the sample project and I am able to run the app.js. The console shows:

MQTT Broker starting... MQTT Broker running. MQTT Broker running. HTTP/S Server (:::443) starting... Azure is up. Gateway is running. Press return to quit. HTTP/S Server running.

But if I connect a MQTT client the messages are received by the server but not shown in Azure.

Received message from $SYS/BJ9FBzz6Z/new/clients Received message from home/garden/fountain Received message from home/garden/fountain Received message from $SYS/BJ9FBzz6Z/disconnect/clients Received message from $SYS/BJ9FBzz6Z/new/clients Received message from home/garden/fountain

What is going wrong?

eifinger commented 6 years ago

Same Problem here

girishkumarbk commented 6 years ago

Hello what is the MQTT client being used here ? Could you please pass the link to it ?

eifinger commented 6 years ago

Mosquitto clients installed via apt-get on ubuntu/raspbian

girishkumarbk commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to push MQTT client messages to IotHub via MQTT IoTEdge module. Looking at the above messages it looks like the messages are not reaching IoThub.

Has anyone successfully sent messages from MQTT client to IoThub via mqtt iotedge module ?

MQTT client ---> MQTT (edge module in this repository) ---> IoThub