Azure-Samples / jmeter-aci-terraform

Scalable cloud load/stress testing pipeline solution with Apache JMeter and Terraform to dynamically provision and destroy the required infrastructure on Azure.
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Erro on task Convert JMeter Results to JUnit Format #73

Open EdiFirst opened 2 years ago

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

I didn't understand what is necessary to perform the most basic test and publish. At Jmeter folder I just let the sample.jmx I'm receiving the following error on the moment of Convert Jmeter Resullts:


I understand the script python don't found results.jtl , but the tasks before works without errors and generate this files on artifact:


What I'm missing out?

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

Hello, anyone can help ? Follow more information: Im receiving the follow error on the Collect JMeter Controller and Worker Logs:


ghost commented 2 years ago

Same issue here... but no idea how to fix. I think that the test did not even run

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

Hey @allantargino please some ideia why this error ?

ghost commented 2 years ago

@EdiFirst I pulled the newest version from the repository and then the issue was fixed. I think it had something to do with the az copy update.

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

@EdiFirst I pulled the newest version from the repository and then the issue was fixed. I think it had something to do with the az copy update.

Thank you @leonK-BO but there was a trouble with az copy too , but I already solve. What version did you got ? It's generated the jtl ?

ghost commented 2 years ago

@EdiFirst that one:

allantargino commented 2 years ago

Hi @EdiFirst, sorry the delay. From the image, the JMX file seems to be not present on the storage mount. Have you tried the newest fix that @leonK-BO mentioned? Try to see if the jmx is present on the storage file share directly on Azure (using the portal or the CLI)

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

Hi @EdiFirst, sorry the delay. From the image, the JMX file seems to be not present on the storage mount. Have you tried the newest fix that @leonK-BO mentioned? Try to see if the jmx is present on the storage file share directly on Azure (using the portal or the CLI)

No problem, yes the are files on storage: image Yes I saw the approach from @leonK-BO, but those azcopy tasks I already solved ,( just changed the path to results files as recommended):


It's like the jtl are not being generated by test execution. I'm not sure why this error: Can't open sample.jmx at task: 'RESULTS: Collect JMeter Controller and Worker Logs' This task should not try open sample.jmx should It ?

EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

So @allantargino @leonK-BO Please some idea? I added the same code from repo and I'm receiving the same error (about could not open sample.jmx) .

devlie commented 2 years ago

It's like the jtl are not being generated by test execution. I'm not sure why this error: Can't open sample.jmx at task: 'RESULTS: Collect JMeter Controller and Worker Logs' This task should not try open sample.jmx should It ?

That task simply prints the JMeter logs from controller and worker(s), so one of the nodes actually couldn't find sample.jmx. Since the file was in the share, the next thing to check is if the share was mounted properly on the node. Did you happen to change this part in

    volume {
      name                 = "jmeter"
      mount_path           = "/jmeter"
      read_only            = true
      storage_account_name =
      storage_account_key  = azurerm_storage_account.jmeter_storage.primary_access_key
      share_name           =
EdiFirst commented 2 years ago

Hey @devlie thank you by attention. Yes I change it from read_only to false. One detail that I realize running pwd inside de tf command was that the container is starting on the path: opt/apache-jmeter-5.1 (something like this), I believe because of that its not opening jmx file, because it doesn't exist on this path, the operation of copy are not working.

axlvlv commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know how to find the artifacts in azure portal? Like this? image