Currently, when rerunning the deployment, the check for the existing ADLS Gen2 connection doesn't work properly. This results in a creation attempt of the shortcut which results in the following error:
[Info] ############ ALDS Gen2 Shortcut Creation ############
[Error] Shortcut 'sc-adls-main' creation failed.
[Error] {"requestId":"11a7f238-08ee-40e9-8c3f-cf8994472056","errorCode":"BadRequest","moreDetails":[{"errorCode":"ShorcutsOperationNotAllowed","message":"Shortcut operation set to abort and shortcut with same name already exists."}],"message":"The request could not be processed due to missing or invalid information"}
[ ] Review and fix if_shortcut_exist function in /e2e_samples/fabric_dataops_sample/scripts/ script.
Currently, when rerunning the deployment, the check for the existing ADLS Gen2 connection doesn't work properly. This results in a creation attempt of the shortcut which results in the following error:
function in/e2e_samples/fabric_dataops_sample/scripts/