Azure-Samples / ms-identity-docs-code-python

Source for the Python code snippets in the Microsoft identity platform documentation found on
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'Flask' object has no attribute 'session_cookie_name' #33

Open timonviola opened 1 week ago

timonviola commented 1 week ago

It seems to me that the requirementsn are slightly outdated. The current req.txt allaws flask=2.3.1 flask-session=0.4.0 which is going to through the exception in the title.

updating to flask-session=0.5.0 fixes it. See in changelog:

working dependencies:

Package            Version
------------------ --------
blinker            1.8.2
cachelib           0.13.0
certifi            2024.7.4
cffi               1.16.0
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
click              8.1.7
cryptography       42.0.8
flask              3.0.3
flask-session      0.5.0
identity           0.2.0
idna               3.7
itsdangerous       2.2.0
jinja2             3.1.4
markupsafe         2.1.5
msal               1.29.0
pycparser          2.22
pyjwt              2.8.0
python-dotenv      0.21.1
requests           2.32.3
urllib3            2.2.2
werkzeug           3.0.3