Azure-Samples / power-bi-embedded-integrate-report-into-web-app

A Power BI Embedded sample that shows you how to integrate a Power BI report into your own web app
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Issue with updating connection string info for an existing dataset #35

Open ScottLiuGitHub opened 7 years ago

ScottLiuGitHub commented 7 years ago


I am trying to use Embeded PowerBI Direct Query to a Azure SQL Server DB. After importing the desktop file, I am trying to use the function to update credential. However,

  1. I am getting " Ooops, something broke: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index" if I skip connection string after inputting user name and password.
  2. If I put in connection string like "server name: database name", I am getting an error message "Ooops, something broke: Operation returned an invalid status code 'BadRequest'"
  3. Another question, this option does not prompt me for dataset name. Is this by design?

Please help.


LeslieCUy commented 7 years ago

Also getting the BadRequest. using the following as per recommendation: Data,1433;Initial Catalog=

WouterQuercis commented 7 years ago

Sime Issue. Tried als possible combinations.

Think problems lies around here:

// Get the datasources from the dataset var datasources = await client.Datasets.GetGatewayDatasourcesAsync(workspaceCollectionName, workspaceId, datasetId);

No datasources are fetched.