Open p31415926 opened 3 years ago
I am using get above error message.
Anybody can give me a suggestion on this?
I found that some mistake in
should change below appId=$(az ad sp list --display-name http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KV_NAME --query appId --output tsv) to appId=$(az ad sp list --display-name http://$SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_KV_NAME --query "[].appId" --output tsv)
otherwise appId is blank.
Streaming at Scale with Azure Data Explorer
Steps to be executed: CIDTM
Configuration: . Resource Group => bie3i8 . Region => eastus . EventHubs => TU: 2, Partitions: 2 . Data Explorer => SKU: Standard_D11_v2 . Simulators => 1
Deployment started...
***** [C] Setting up COMMON resources creating resource group . name: bie3i8 . location: eastus creating storage account . name: bie3i8storage
***** [I] Setting up INGESTION creating eventhubs namespace . name: bie3i8eventhubs . capacity: 2 . capture: False . auto-inflate: false creating eventhub instance . name: bie3i8in-2 . partitions: 2 creating consumer group . name: dataexplorer
***** [D] Setting up DATABASE checking Key Vault exists creating KeyVault bie3i8spkv checking service principal exists creating service principal WARNING: The output includes credentials that you must protect. Be sure that you do not include these credentials in your code or check the credentials into your source control. For more information, see WARNING: 'name' property in the output is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use 'appId' instead. getting service principal ERROR: Service principal 'http://bie3i8adx-reader' doesn't exist
What does that mean "Service principal 'http://bie3i8adx-reader' doesn't exist "?