Azure-Samples / streaming-at-scale

How to implement a streaming at scale solution in Azure
MIT License
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Permission Denied on #42

Closed markjbrown closed 5 years ago

markjbrown commented 5 years ago

I am running through the eventhubs-streamanalytics-cosmosdb sample and get this error below when I run the script. Any idea how I can fix?

CC @yorek


***** [M] Starting METRICS reporting ./ line 208: ./ Permission denied There was an error, execution halted Error at line 208

yorek commented 5 years ago

Could it be that you are running from a Mac or Ubuntu (Native)?

markjbrown commented 5 years ago

Running in WSL.

yorek commented 5 years ago

Interesting, let me check

yorek commented 5 years ago

Which sample are you testing?

markjbrown commented 5 years ago

this one

yorek commented 5 years ago

This can be fixed by making sure permission are correctly set on all shell files. Run the following script in the root:

find -name "*.sh" | xargs chmod +x

markjbrown commented 5 years ago

awesome. Thanks Davide!