Closed deepdolphin closed 7 months ago
TODO: Discuss how/when we run/fix this.
You will probably receive an error when you try to deploy using this new option because the User Identity that gets created during the running of the main Bicep needs access over the pre-existing User Identity that you want to run the Kublet under. As you don't know the GUID of the new identity, you can't assign it rights over your existing User Identity.
az role assignment create --assignee '<controlplaneGUID>' --role "Managed Identity Operator" --scope '/subscriptions/<someguid>/resourcegroups/<rgname>/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/<kubeletidentityname>'
PR smells stale, no activity for 30 days. Stale Label will be removed if the PR is updated, otherwise closed in a month.
PR Summary
Added UI & Bicep updates to address issue #551. Currently no UI web tests.
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