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Choice between AKS Edge / Iot Edge / IoT Operations #155

Closed razvan-r closed 6 months ago

razvan-r commented 8 months ago

scenario We want to deploy containerized workloads to on-prem remote locations. Think warehouses/factories in Africa, South America, Asia. We would require a product with these attributes:

Question: What would be a good option? It's also difficult to predict which one will outlast the other:

  1. Azure Iot Edge
  2. Azure IoT Operations
  3. Azure AKS Edge Essentials
  4. Other?

We already did a PoC back in January with Azure IoT Edge and we consider it fit for all our scenarios. We are concerned that there are no updates on IoT Edge roadmap and we would like to check if any other option is better suited for our scenario.

Thank you in advance!

rcheeran commented 6 months ago


If you need container orchestration, I suggest exploring AKS Edge Essentials. Microsoft is investing at the edge and in enable Kubernetes at the edge. Added to that Azure IoT Operations is the data plane which runs on any Arc-enabled Kubernetes. AKS EE is an Arc-enabled Kubernetes platform and can serve as a foundation for Azure IoT Operations. Hope this clarifies. Happy to connect to discuss more if need - email us as