Azure / AKS-Edge

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[BUG]: Testing SSH connection : New-Node failed with error Creation of Linux node failed #173

Open JohnVictorJV opened 5 months ago

JohnVictorJV commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Single machine deployment as per:

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install and uninstall multiple times, the installation and Uninstall goes fine with no error. Once SSH connection fails occurs while installing , then any future install will produce "SSH connection fails" error and we cannot proceed further with installing AKSEdge in that system. Note : This happened in multiple physical system with similar system configuration

  2. Run command '...' New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigFilePath .\aksedge-config.json

  3. See error:

    • New-Node failed with error Creation of Linux node failed

      PS C:\dev\setup> New-AksEdgeDeployment -JsonConfigFilePath .\aksedge-config.install.json -verbose

      • Checking host for required features
      • Checking the status of 'Microsoft-Hyper-V'
      • Checking the status of 'Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell'
      • Checking the status of 'Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor'
      • Checking the status of 'OpenSSH.Client*'
      • Checking power management settings of the Host
      • Checking HNS version of the Host
      • Checking OpenSSH version of the Host
      • Checking Nested Virtualization of the Host

      [02/25/2024 21:28:47] All required host features are installed [02/25/2024 21:28:47] Validating AksEdge network parameters... [02/25/2024 21:28:47] *** 0 errors found in the deployment configuration. [02/25/2024 21:29:00] Checking the required certificates for offline installation... [02/25/2024 21:29:01] Verifying Host Requirements for Linux node(s)

      • Verifying host requirements for selected configuration (86.5 GB disk size, 33268 MB memory, 8 CPUs) [02/25/2024 21:29:01] Verifying Host OS can support requested configuration [02/25/2024 21:29:01] Verifying required storage, RAM and number of cores are available
      • Drive 'C:' has 549 GB free
      • A minimum of 86 GB disk space is required on drive 'C:'
      • Host has 54638 MB free memory
      • A minimum of 33268 MB memory is required
      • Host has 32 CPU cores
      • A minimum of 8 CPU cores is required
      • Verifying certificate requirements for AKS-EE VERBOSE: Perform operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' with following parameters, ''className' = Win32_OperatingSystem,'namespaceName' = root\cimv2'. VERBOSE: Operation 'Enumerate CimInstances' complete.
      • Starting Internet Disabled Deployment [02/25/2024 21:29:01] AksEdge - deploying a new Linux single machine k3s cluster [02/25/2024 21:29:02] Creating single machine cluster hcs network
      • AksEdge - private network carved: Name : LinuxVmIp4Address Value : Name : ip4GatewayAddress Value : Name : ip4Subnet Value : Name : ip4PrefixLength Value : 24 Name : WindowsVmIp4Address Value : Name : ServiceIPRangeEnd Value : Name : ServiceIPRangeStart Value : [02/25/2024 21:29:03] Deploying AKS Edge Essentials - K3s [02/25/2024 21:29:03] Step 1: Preparing host for AKS Edge Essentials - K3s [02/25/2024 21:29:03] Enabling Microsoft Update. This will allow AKS Edge Essentials - K3s to receive updates.
      • Microsoft Update is enabled. [02/25/2024 21:29:03] Checking for virtual switch with name 'aksedgesw-int'
      • The virtual switch 'aksedgesw-int' of type 'Internal' is present [02/25/2024 21:29:03] Associating wssdagent service with nodectl [02/25/2024 21:29:05] Creating vnet (name: aksedgesw-int)
      • Skipping DNS, not searching for DNS server [02/25/2024 21:29:06] Deploying AKS Edge Essentials - K3s [02/25/2024 21:29:06] Step 1: Skipped host preparation [02/25/2024 21:29:06] Step 2: Verifying AKS Edge Essentials - K3s installation [02/25/2024 21:29:06] Verifying installation
      • Verifying whether Hyper-V is enabled and functional
      • Hyper-V core services are active
      • Verifying expected Windows host binaries
      • Verifying expected Linux VM image
      • Testing for ssh key
      • Testing for wssdagent service
      • Testing if wssdagent is running
      • Testing if container resource is provisioned
      • Testing if vnet resource 'aksedgesw-int' is provisioned [02/25/2024 21:29:13] Step 3: Runtime configuration complete. Creating virtual machine [02/25/2024 21:29:13] Extracting Linux VHD [02/25/2024 21:29:17] Setting dynamically expanding virtual hard disk maximum size to 90.4 GB
      • Creating storage vhd (file: AzureIoTEdgeForLinux-v1-ledge)
      • Creating vnic (name: TestMachine-ledgeInterface)
      • Instantiating virtual machine (name: TestMachine-ledge)
      • Virtual machine successfuly instantiated [02/25/2024 21:29:25] Virtual machine created successfully. [02/25/2024 21:29:26] Successfully created virtual machine [02/25/2024 21:29:26] Virtual machine hostname: TestMachine-ledge [02/25/2024 21:29:26] Testing SSH connection... New-Node failed with error Creation of Linux node failed
        • Retrying... VERBOSE: Cleaning up partially created Linux VM [02/25/2024 21:30:57] Deleting virtual machine

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.