Azure / AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service
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Support for Kubernetes 1.9 #103

Closed pjbgf closed 6 years ago

pjbgf commented 6 years ago

Is there any ETA for when support for Kubernetes 1.9 will be added?

giggio commented 6 years ago

It just failed. Maybe you can pull it from the correlation id:

❯ az aks create -g $nomeDoGrupoDeRecursos -n $nomeCluster --kubernetes-version 1.9.2
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 2f7bdd8f-c496-475d-a0a3-5f47c55dc6e9. Timeout while polling for control plane provisioning status
taraspos commented 6 years ago

Tried to provision k8s 1.9.2 via terraform. Provision took ~20 minutes and failed with error:

Long running operation terminated with status 'Failed': Code="ControlPlaneAddOnsNotReady" Message=""
taraspos commented 6 years ago

The same operation for k8s 1.9.1 seems to complete successfully.

giggio commented 6 years ago

I was later able to provision a 1.9.2 cluster successfully.

przemolb commented 6 years ago

I was able to upgrade existing 1.8.7 cluster to 1.9.2. Unfortunately I lost one node:

kubectl get nodes -o wide
NAME                       STATUS                        ROLES     AGE       VERSION   EXTERNAL-IP   OS-IMAGE                       KERNEL-VERSION      CONTAINER-RUNTIME
aks-nodepool1-19398553-0   Ready                         agent     4h        v1.9.2    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   4.13.0-1007-azure   docker://1.13.1
aks-nodepool1-19398553-1   Ready                         agent     4h        v1.9.2    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   4.13.0-1007-azure   docker://1.13.1
aks-nodepool1-19398553-2   Ready                         agent     3h        v1.9.2    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   4.13.0-1007-azure   docker://1.13.1
aks-nodepool1-19398553-3   Ready                         agent     3h        v1.9.2    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   4.13.0-1007-azure   docker://1.13.1
aks-nodepool1-19398553-4   NotReady,SchedulingDisabled   agent     25d       v1.8.7    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)    4.11.0-1016-azure   docker://1.12.6
aks-nodepool1-19398553-5   Ready                         agent     4h        v1.9.2    <none>        Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)   4.13.0-1007-azure   docker://1.13.1

What should I run now to restore it ?

dmitsh commented 6 years ago

How many nodes originally were in your cluster? 5 or 6?

przemolb commented 6 years ago

Actually 5. You are right - didn't count them correctly ;-) Can I get rid of the NotReady one from the list above (to have clean output of the command) ?

dmitsh commented 6 years ago

@przemolb try "kubectl delete node aks-nodepool1-19398553-4". This will deregister already non-existing node.

arbourd commented 6 years ago

@dmitsh thanks so much for keeping us in the loop (even though it probably blew up your emails)!

andtii commented 6 years ago

Im trying to provision a cluster in WestEurope using the latest version but got the following error: The value of parameter orchestratorProfile.OrchestratorVersion is invalid. Any updates on this issue?