Azure / AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service
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[Feature] Extend node-problem detector to support health check for HPC/AI specialty SKU's #4198

Open garvct opened 1 month ago

garvct commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. It is strongly recommended that AI customers should run some specific node health checks before attempting to run a large training job. Nodes which fail the health checks are not included in the training job. AKS currently does not have an integration of HPC/AI SKU's recommended health checks.

Describe the solution you'd like The recommended HPC/AI SKU healthchecks are contained here . The proposed solution would be to use/leverage K8s node problem detector framework and integrate the azurehpc-health-checks into the node problem detector framework, allowing AKS users to opt-in to these tests and have control over which azurehpc-health-checks run via NPD.

Similar work has been done with the Cyclecloud SLURM scheduler (integrating HPC/AI specific healthchecks wit hthe SLURM scheduler).