Azure / AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service
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[BUG] Managed CSI Blob Driver doesn't clean all resources after being uninstalled #4199

Open Vegoo89 opened 1 month ago

Vegoo89 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug After Blob CSI is uninstalled, it doesn't clean all resources from the cluster (e.g. service account and clusterrole), so if I try to bring my own CSI and install it via helm chart, it fails.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable Blob CSI on the AKS Cluster
  2. Disable Blob CSI on the AKS Cluster
  3. Try to install Blob CSI using Helm

Expected behavior After disabling the managed Blob CSI, Helm chart installation should work

Screenshots None

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context None

andyzhangx commented 1 month ago

/assign @cvvz

andyzhangx commented 1 month ago

@Vegoo89 thanks for reporting this issue. May I know why do you want to use open source blob csi driver instead of managed one?

Vegoo89 commented 1 month ago

We are using 1.24 which provides workload identity integration with static provisioning without storage key usage. AKS currently supports 1.23 in Kubernetes 1.29.2 version.

mkemmerz commented 1 month ago

We are using 1.24 which provides workload identity integration with static provisioning without storage key usage. AKS currently supports 1.23 in Kubernetes 1.29.2 version.

Did you get the Workload identity to work for the Blob Csi Driver on AKS 1.29.2? For us it didn't work. The releases are a bit confusing. blob-csi-driver has it mentioned in the 1.24.0 but AKS says it is supported since the last release which only uses the 1.23.3. Nevertheless, we will just wait for the AKS with 1.24.0 blob-csi-driver.

Vegoo89 commented 1 month ago

We are using 1.24 which provides workload identity integration with static provisioning without storage key usage. AKS currently supports 1.23 in Kubernetes 1.29.2 version.

Did you get the Workload identity to work for the Blob Csi Driver on AKS 1.29.2? For us it didn't work. The releases are a bit confusing. blob-csi-driver has it mentioned in the 1.24.0 but AKS says it is supported since the last release which only uses the 1.23.3. Nevertheless, we will just wait for the AKS with 1.24.0 blob-csi-driver.

Yes, that is why I installed my own CSI Driver using Helm chart. With managed one (1.23.x) currently it doesn't work.

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 1 week ago

Action required from @Azure/aks-pm