Azure / AKS

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[Feedback] The oms_agent addon is not required anymore for Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) container insights for latest AKS versions #4208

Open v-asen opened 1 month ago

v-asen commented 1 month ago

Describe your scenario This documentation page describes the addon 'oms_agent' for AKS.

However, it only deploys the ama deployment (ama-logs-rs), which seems to use the new Azure Monitor Agent (AMA), and not the depricated Log Analytics Agent (OMS).

Feedback The oms_agent addon is not required anymore for Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) container insights for AKS. The documentation page linked here shows only to deploy the AMA deployment (ama-logs-rs), which uses the new Azure Monitor Agent. The oms_agent addon is related to the deprecated Log Analytics Agent (OMS), and it will also be retired once the Log Analytics agent is deprecated.

For AKS, if we are setting up container insights on a new cluster (specifically using the latest versions example 1.27 or 29) or migrating from the legacy OMS agent, one should use the Azure Monitor Agent.

The legacy OMS agent is only needed if you have specific dependencies on it or are running workloads that have not yet been tested or certified to work with the AMA.

vdiec commented 4 weeks ago

@v-asen thank you for the feedback! The oms_agent addon not being used. This is simply a field name in API. We plan to fix this with the upcoming API release. I will update this thread once the fix is implemented.