Azure / AKS

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[Question] Why is Version 1.73.3 patches not supported anymore #4226

Closed fadarboye closed 3 weeks ago

fadarboye commented 4 weeks ago

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Why is Version 1.73.3 patches not supported anymore

Question I notice cluster version 1.73.3 patches are not supported, is there a reason for this even does the End life of the version 1.27 is still in July.

philwelz commented 3 weeks ago

I think you are referring to 1.27.3 or? Currently patch levels 1.27.7 and 1.27.9 are supported. You can check this for your region with:

az aks get-versions -o table --location westeurope

Generally AKS trying that users are running the latest patch versions that include fixes for security vulnerabilities or major bugs to ensure full support. This is documented here.

I hope this answers your questions.