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[Question] Disabling manage service affect SLA? #4237

Open Bj3MaS opened 3 weeks ago

Bj3MaS commented 3 weeks ago

Describe scenario We have a production cluster we want to remove the calico network policy. We want to use this feature but is GA before June.

Question Can we implement a resource quota on the Calico namespace in the meantime, and would this impact the SLA provided by Microsoft?

PixelRobots commented 3 weeks ago

I personally would not do that. You may find as it is a managed resource the changes will get replaced by a reconciliation. I am not 100% sure if it will, but I do know newer services will do this.

It would be best to open a support case to confirm if this is a supported scenario.

JoeyC-Dev commented 3 weeks ago

I don't suggest so. When this feature was just being rolled out as Public Preview, I tried it on my test cluster with disabling and enabling it multiple time (purposely), and my cluster failed when trying to get back to Calico again because "xxx is already existing" (I forget the name). In the end, I just have to make the test cluster stay in "None". I remember there is a fix for this being rolled out later. But this experience told me that never deploy the preview feature on the production environment unless I monitor it on the staging one for months. When you are using a preview feature, no one can guarantee SLA for you. This is also the reason why suggested to use Cloud PaaS service because PG will test many things before you actually using it. Ofc some cloud provider's SLA like [redacted] are trash, so you need to evaluate it by yourself.