Results in a date format not recognized by the Get-SHRLatestImageVersion.ps1. This is because the RegEx expects a year format of 24 instead of 2024. But the Image Version provided above results in 2024, resulting in an error when running the Function App.
So I changed this code:
if ($azImageVersion -match "\d+\.\d+\.(?<Year>\d{2})(?<Month>\d{2})(?<Day>\d{2})") {
$azImageDate = Get-Date -Date ("20{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $Matches.Year, $Matches.Month, $Matches.Day)
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Image date is {0}" -StringValues $azImageDate
else {
throw "Image version does not match expected format. Could not extract image date."
With this code:
if ($azImageVersion -match "^(?<Year>\d{2}|\d{4})\.(?<Month>\d{2})\.(?<Day>\d{2})$") {
if ($Matches.Year.Length -eq 2) {
$year = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy").Substring(0,2) + $Matches.Year
} else {
$year = $Matches.Year
$azImageDate = Get-Date -Date ("{0}-{1}-{2}" -f $year, $Matches.Month, $Matches.Day)
Write-PSFMessage -Level Host -Message "Image date is {0}" -StringValues $azImageDate
} else {
throw "Image version does not match expected format. Could not extract image date."
Perhaps you can use it in this project or provide me with feedback to even solve this in a better way?
Today I discovered that using this image:
Results in a date format not recognized by the Get-SHRLatestImageVersion.ps1. This is because the RegEx expects a year format of 24 instead of 2024. But the Image Version provided above results in 2024, resulting in an error when running the Function App.
So I changed this code:
With this code:
Perhaps you can use it in this project or provide me with feedback to even solve this in a better way?