Azure / App-Service-Migration-Assistant

Azure Websites Migration Assistant for Windows is a tool that allows customers to move their existing sites hosted on IIS servers into the cloud on Azure App Service. For more information check out .
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App migration tool goes blank with no error message #31

Closed gilbertsak closed 3 years ago

gilbertsak commented 4 years ago

Hey I just see a blank screen after going through the steps and choosing skip database connections. Does anyone have an idea of what is happening? if not where can I see if there if there is an error message in the background?

  1. Prompted me to choose website App from IIS
  2. It automatically checked if the app was ok. Everything pass apart from-> 1 warning (local database)
  3. Started migration process. Was going through the process then just went blank.

AzureAppMigration showing empty space

gilbertsak commented 4 years ago

It shows the following before going blank: AzureAppMigration showing empty space

I do not see the web application files when i FTP in though in Azure portal so i am just going to upload them using ftp. Its created the App service etc

Richard-Akers commented 4 years ago

Same issue here. Starts the migration then the below. OS Server 2012 R2


krolson commented 4 years ago

Thank you for letting us know this is happening!

@gilbertsak Is that happening for you consistently (i.e. you have attempted a migration more than once, and it has occurred each time)? If you have attempted migrations for other sites and these have worked without hitting this issue please let us know. Would you be willing to share your site name with us for us to try to look up additional traces? You could send it to if you'd rather not post it

@ESSystems Would you be willing to share your site name with us (email to if you'd rather not post it) as well as the approximate time that this issue occurred for you?

We'll look into this and see if we can figure it out.

krolson commented 4 years ago

If you run into this issue, could you please tell us the following details / try a command and let us know what happens? This information may help us to reproduce/target this issue.

c:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\azure-appService-migrationAssistant\iisConfigAssistant\iisConfigAssistant.exe GetZippedSiteContent "[siteName]" "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Temp\[siteName]"

gilbertsak commented 4 years ago

Hey all,

I decided not to use the migration assistant and used zip deploy in scm which didn’t took roughly about 7 minutes. I did not see any uploaded files from the migration assistant in the azure web app directory. Using the migration assistant in the past I have left it for many hours. I think it must be our work internal firewalls blocking the upload. Thank you for the help.



From: krolson Sent: 28 April 2020 23:19 To: Azure/App-Service-Migration-Assistant Cc: Sakyi, Gilbert; Mention Subject: Re: [Azure/App-Service-Migration-Assistant] App migration tool goes blank with no error message (#31)

If you run into this issue, could you please tell us the following details / try a command and let us know what happens? This information may help us to reproduce/target this issue.

c:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Programs\azure-appService-migrationAssistant\iisConfigAssistant\iisConfigAssistant.exe GetZippedSiteContent "[siteName]" "C:\Users[username]\AppData\Local\Temp[siteName]"

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ajgball commented 4 years ago

Tell us approximately how long did it show the “Publishing site content (step 2 of 3)” before it transitioned to a blank view - approx 4 minutes. (Azure Migrate says 10% complete)

there is a zip file from a previous migration and Command line fails with : -

C:\Windows\system32>c:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\azure-appService-migrationAssistant\iisConfigAssistant\iisConfigAssistant.exe GetZippedSiteContent "" "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\" { "HResult": "80131502", "DisplayMessage": "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.\r\nParameter name: index", "TelemetryMessage": "An unhandled exception occurred. HResult=80131502", "StackTrace": " at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRange_IndexException()\r\n at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)\r\n at iisFrameworkDetector.FrameworkDetector.InitializeFrameworkDetector(IisConfiguration iisConfig) in d:\a\1\s\src\IisConfigurationHelper\iisFrameworkDetector\FrameworkDetector.cs:line 59\r\n at iisFrameworkDetector.FrameworkDetector..ctor(String SerializedConfiguration) in d:\a\1\s\src\IisConfigurationHelper\iisFrameworkDetector\FrameworkDetector.cs:line 38\r\n at iisMigrationHelper.IisMigrationHelper.GetZippedSiteContent(String SiteName, String OutputFile) in d:\a\1\s\src\IisConfigurationHelper\iisMigrationHelper\IisMigrationHelper.cs:line 394\r\n at iisConfigAssistant.Program.DoGetZippedSiteContent(String[] args) in d:\a\1\s\src\IisConfigurationHelper\iisConfigAssistant\Program.cs:line 360\r\n at iisConfigAssistant.Program.Main(String[] args) in d:\a\1\s\src\IisConfigurationHelper\iisConfigAssistant\Program.cs:line 60"

krolson commented 4 years ago

For anyone encountering this issue please let us know the time that it happened and the sitename you used as your target. The sitename could be sent to us at if you'd rather not post it.

@gilbertsak : Thank you for letting us know what happened. I'm sorry that you ran into this issue, but at least glad to hear you were able to move your site content manually. The detail that it can site for hours and that there might be firewall complications gives us something to look into more.

@ajgball : Thank you for posting these extra details. Knowing that the zip is there from a previous migration helps us isolate where the issue occurred - after the zip creation - which means the command you ran manually should have worked (the error you posted is usually from typing in the sitename with different casing from how it is returned in the GetSiteList command - it is very case sensitive). While we do not yet have a repro of this issue - you could at least complete the migration using the .zip left in the Temp location from the failed migration (or from manually running the GetZippedSiteContent command assuming casing is the only issue) using these steps:

  1. Go to the "scm" for the site you created during the migration:
  2. Click on "Debug Console" and choose either the CMD or PowerShell option to get to the file content view
  3. You should see 2 folders listed: "LogFiles" and "Site". Drag the .zip file over the folders list in the browser and a blue square should appear with the text "Drag here to unload and unzip" - release the .zip there. Once that unzips your site content should then be placed (and you can check it here by clicking Site folder, then wwwroot to see site contents. You should also now be able to browse your site at

If you also need to complete a hybrid connection setup (i.e. setting up the Hybrid Connection agent in your network), let me know. Otherwise all the configuration for the app service site (including things like virtual directories) would have been set during the site creation and just that step of moving the content should have been remaining.

scooter133 commented 4 years ago

I am using Version 1.0.6 I am running into the same issue. Here is a Link of a video where the screen goes blank.

Happens at about 1:15

I've let it sit for hours after that, hit enter, ESC, nothing does anything. the Zipfile is Created, the Zip file is about 600MB

the SCM procedure above with the debug console does not seem to be an option for me. I do not see a "Debug Console" When I'm in the App Service I am able to get to some command line and there is only the Quickstart.html file in the directory. I do not know how to get the Zip file in there.

krolson commented 4 years ago

Thank you, @scooter133 - this was useful information. We have determined where this issue is happening and are working on a fix. In the meantime, there is the workaround described above for manually dropping the .zip of the site content. Could you describe a bit more about what you do see when you go to the .scm site? When you get to the ".scm" site you should see something like this, with the Debug Console drop down options: 20200909DebugConsoleDropdown

Then after selecting one when on the list of the file contents, you can select a file from file explorer and drag it over the file list in the browser - this should make the blue square highlighting happen, at which point dropping the file will start the upload. 20200909DebugConsoleZipDrag

Are you able to get to these views or are you blocked in a different way? Note that once you drop the file there it will likely take a while to sync.

Alternatively, you could also use FTP for manually migrating the site content (but this wouldn't take the pre-zipped site content and would require you to locate the site source content path(s)):

krolson commented 3 years ago

This issue should be fixed in the current 1.0.8 Preview release available on Please try this version and let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.