Azure / AzOps

AzOps is a PowerShell module which deploys (Push) ARM Resource Templates & Bicep files at all Azure scope levels and exports (Pull) ARM resource hierarchy.
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Preview apiVersion in generated ARM templates - do we need to filter versions? #834

Closed jsandquist closed 6 months ago

jsandquist commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

AzOps versions 2.3.0 and 2.3.1

Since a day or two the 'pull' pipeline decided to update all apiVersions in all files more or less, some of the them with preview status. Something must have changed with regards to the output from Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable?

Do we need to filter or sort the returned api versions perhaps? Any other idea would be most welcome?

I found #422 and related #425 from two years back.

Below is an example for an ordinary resource group and what we see.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Connect-AzAccount ...
  2. (Get-AzResourceProvider -ListAvailable).ResourceTypes | Where-Object { $_.ResourceTypeName -eq "resourceGroups" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ApiVersions

to partly mimic the code at





daltondhcp commented 7 months ago

Thank you for reporting! It indeed looks like something's changed with the output from Get-AzResourceProvider cmdlet. We'll investigate.

daltondhcp commented 6 months ago

I've done some digging with the product group and it turns out this behavior has been around since day one 😄. We've always just picked the first option in the list, which explains the current behavior. To make sure we're not missing out on resources with only preview API versions, we're planning to sort preview and GA API versions into separate arrays. This way, we'll only use the preview version if a GA version isn't available. What do you think about this approach?

jsandquist commented 6 months ago

Thanks for investigating! Seems like a really good approach. Personally, I was kind of confused as to why this was default behavior where the -Pre switch would fill the need to include preview versions (I thought).

daltondhcp commented 6 months ago

Thanks for investigating! Seems like a really good approach. Personally, I was kind of confused as to why this was default behavior where the -Pre switch would fill the need to include preview versions (I thought).

That's a reasonable guess 😄. But here's an interesting bit: many Az.PowerShell cmdlets, include the -Pre parameter to 'consider preview API versions for the API call.' Essentially, this means that when you're running a cmdlet, it's equipped to handle the underlying REST call using these preview versions of the API.