Azure / Azure-Data-Factory-Integration-Runtime-in-Windows-Container

Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample
MIT License
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health-check.ps1 logic is faulty, when setup.ps1 is accessing status-check.txt, the container shuts down #2

Open mdrakiburrahman opened 3 years ago

mdrakiburrahman commented 3 years ago

Because the health-check.ps1 and setup.ps1 are both using status-check.txt for grabbing the output from dmgcmd.exe -cgc command, I noticed when the cycles (120 seconds vs 60 seconds) clash, the Container shuts down because the health check tries to delete the same text file that setup.ps1 might be accessing: image

Options could have health-check.ps1 use another filename? I disabled the healthcheck in the Dockerfile as a workaround.