Azure / Azure-Data-Factory-Integration-Runtime-in-Windows-Container

Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample
MIT License
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Guidelines for dynamic scaling? #23

Open Mats-Elfving opened 5 months ago

Mats-Elfving commented 5 months ago

I am running the container on an AKS cluster on a node with VM scaleset with 1-4 pods using a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and an automated Cluster Auto-scaler.The SHIR is running as a backend for Synapse.

With this setup I am scaling up a node and a pod if the CPU goes above 60% and scale down if it remains below 30% for at least 10 minutes. As far as I've been able to test, after the scale up event there is a time of around 10 minutes before the node is available to pick up load. Similar, the scale down event is much faster.

However - I've encountered multiple issues with this setup. Thus looking for any guidelines on how to do this as best-practice. Issues I perceive: