Azure / Azure-Data-Factory-Integration-Runtime-in-Windows-Container

Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample
MIT License
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Create Linked service file system not work #27

Open calvinShan opened 4 months ago

calvinShan commented 4 months ago


I have installed and created Self-hosted IR in windows container. Then I try to add a linked service file system to ADF, it did't work

First, I got the error 'Access to fold is not allowed' Then I exec the docker and run container and run this command '.\dmgcmd.exe -DisableLocalFolderPathValidation'

The access is allowed, but when I try test the connection here is the error message: "Cannot connect to 'C:\data'. Detail Message: The operation completed successfully The operation completed successfully"

So how could I set up the linked service pls?


byran77 commented 4 months ago

hi @calvinShan, sorry for the late reply. This project mainly provides a trial solution to run Integration Runtime in container. As for usage problem on ADF, please feel free to open a support ticket and get technical help from Microsoft Support teams