Azure / Azure-Data-Factory-Integration-Runtime-in-Windows-Container

Azure Data Factory Integration Runtime in Windows Container Sample
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Passing in HA_PORT doesn't work, as $PORT isn't being passed in correctly in code #3

Open mdrakiburrahman opened 3 years ago

mdrakiburrahman commented 3 years ago

The current logic that implements passing in $HA_PORT from the docker run isn't properly making it to dmgcmd.exe due to this line of code:

$PORT = $HA_PORT -or "8060"
Start-Process $DmgcmdPath -Wait -ArgumentList "-EnableRemoteAccess"

I think -or is being incorrectly used here. By this logic, $PORT always evaluates to True (rather than picking up 8060 if no $HA_PORT is passed in - I think the intention here was to perform NULL Coalesce?)

So you get this error every time: image

The value of port is invalid. Please set an integer bigger than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 65535.

Since the expression turns out to be .\dmgcmd.exe -EnableRemoteAccess TRUE.

Possible Solution image