Azure / Azure-Functions

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How can I use GPU with Azure function? #1579

Open sunildarji811 opened 4 years ago

sunildarji811 commented 4 years ago

Can I use GPU powered app with Azure functions?

Like I want to host external .exe with some GPU requirement on Azure function but it fails with runtime error.

Any solution or workaround?

anirudhgarg commented 4 years ago

@sunildarji811 - the only way to do this right now is to use Azure Functions with Kubernetes, For example AKS supports GPU's

limcheekin commented 3 years ago

Any update?

Did the Azure function container support GPU instead of CPU such as the use case mentioned in the following article:

I copied the relevant description here for ease of reference:- A simple app that provides a user interface to Neural Style Transfer. Unfamiliar with this technique? In short, Neural Style Transfer (NST) is a Deep Learning technique that can be used to stylize images. The algorithm takes a content image and a style image as input, and uses these to generate a new image that shows the content of the content image, and the style of the style image.

Please advise. Thank you.

BoPengGit commented 3 years ago

Any update here @anirudhgarg?

How do I setup a ML inference pipeline with Azure functions that can connect to a GPU and handle auto-scaling?

Thank you,

v-anvari commented 3 years ago

Tagging @pragnagopa , for further inputs

ziyuang commented 2 years ago

This repo may be useful:

kopyl commented 6 months ago

@BoPengGit hey. Could you please tell whether you were able to achieve your goal with what @ziyuang shared?

Also since 2021 have you found any better solution than to mess with Kuber?