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Azure Firewall Workbook - garbage data #374

Open nosalan opened 2 days ago

nosalan commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug The Network and Rule Hitcount (SUM) and Application Rule Hitcount (SUM) data is pretty useless because the values on the Y axis is changing when time range is changed. Consider the comparison of charts from the last 24 hours vs the last 48 hours. The last 24 hours: image

The last 48 hours: image

Now compare the last 24 hours on both chart, they are inconsistent. One can see that the values on Y axis are increasing when time range is selected. The chart seems to be aggregating values in some unknown time buckets making the values on the Y axis not understandable. The readings on the Y axis should be consistent for the given time period regardless of the time range selected.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 days ago

Message that will be displayed on users' first issue

nosalan commented 2 days ago

The issue is also being triggered by simple browser resize, please see this GIF:
