Azure / Azure-Orbital-Analytics-Samples

Sample solution that demonstrates how to deploy and analyze spaceborne data using Azure Synapse Analytics
MIT License
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Transforms simplified #26

Closed senthilkungumaraj closed 2 years ago

senthilkungumaraj commented 2 years ago

Updates in this PR include:

karthick-rn commented 2 years ago

For the record, I have tested this PR and am able to run an end-to-end pipeline successfully(as shown below). For the test, I have used the sample tif file from the readme.


Few suggestions: 1) It will be good to have a reference link to in 2) Integration runtime setup & the jar file upload steps are missing in the As these are the workarounds for some of the known issues in Synapse, I think we may need to include them. Maybe, it can be done in a follow-up PR as well.