Azure / Azure-Proactive-Resiliency-Library-v2

Azure Proactive Resiliency Library v2 (APRL) - Source for Azure WAF reliability guidance and associated ARG queries
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🪲 Bug Report - wara_collector.ps1 asks me always to choose just one subscription #213

Closed nicolgit closed 2 weeks ago

nicolgit commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

I am running today the latest wara_collector.ps1 script for my customer. I have to analize 3 subscriptions, so I am using the standard syntax used until few weeks ago

.\1_wara_collector.ps1 -TenantID xxxx -SubscriptionIds yyyy,zzz,kkk

well, this time the script asks me to select a subscription, but my workload is spread over 3 subscriptions... is this a bug or am I missing something?

Retrieving subscriptions for the selection...

[Tenant and subscription selection]

No      Subscription name                       Subscription ID                             Tenant name

----    ------------------------------------    ----------------------------------------    --------------------------
[1]     AVS 6 PROD                              yyy
[2]     AVS DR Fase 1                          zzzz
[3]     PSSC-Prod                               kkkk
[4]     Recommendation                          QQQQ

Select a tenant and subscription:

Expected behaviour

a wara report is executed on all subscription without reequiring to select JUST one

more information

I am running the script locally, not on azure cloud shell