Azure / Azure-TDSP-Utilities

Utilities and scripts developed as part of Microsoft's Team Data Science Process for productive data science
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reuse existing environment? scalability plans? #11

Closed robmccan closed 7 years ago

robmccan commented 7 years ago


IDEAR seems like a very cool tool...thanks for sharing. A couple questions...

I already have a couple versions of R installed on my machine (MS R Server, In-SQL & Stand-Alone), as well as R Tools for VS. Is it possible to use your IDEAR tool within that environment, or am I going to have to install yet more?

Also, do you have plans to make the IDEAR tool not limited by in-memory data frames? I've been computing with RevoScaleR just for this purpose, and it would be great to not have to backtrack. For some things sampling will work (e.g., first-order stats), but for others sampling is undesirable (e.g., outliers).



xibingaomsft commented 7 years ago

Hi Rob, Thanks for your feedbacks.

  1. IDEAR can work with RTVS. We will release a new documentation on how IDEAR works in RTVS in the near future.
  2. We are currently conducting thorough testing of IDEAR in different R environments.
  3. Extending IDEAR to RevoScaleR is in the roadmap. Implementation may depend on user requests and other priorities. Stay tuned!