Azure / Azure-TDSP-Utilities

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An Error message when running the script Run-IDEAR.R . #15

Closed BertJhuang closed 7 years ago

BertJhuang commented 7 years ago

My environment:

  1. R V3.3.1
  2. RStudio V1.0.136

To start IDEAR, I run the script "Run-IDEAR.R" in RStudio,but there is an error message on the shinny browser "Error: missing value where TRUR/FALSE needed"

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

xibingaomsft commented 7 years ago

Can you please provide the session info and the complete error message from RStudio console?

BertJhuang commented 7 years ago

installed_packages <- rownames(installed.packages()) if (!"rmarkdown" %in% installed_packages){install.packages("rmarkdown")} if (!"shiny" %in% installed_packages){install.packages("shiny")}

library(rmarkdown) script.dir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile) Error in sys.frame(1) : not that many frames on the stack setwd(script.dir) Error in setwd(script.dir) : object 'script.dir' not found rmdfile = "IDEAR.rmd" rmarkdown::run(rmdfile) Error in yaml::yaml.load(string, ...) : Scanner error: while scanning a simple key at line 3, column 1could not find expected ':' at line 4, column 1

xibingaomsft commented 7 years ago
  1. For error: "Error in sys.frame(1) : not that many frames on the stack", you may have tried to execute code in Run-IDEAR.R line by line. This issue should be resolved if you source Run-IDEAR.r by clicking 'Source' in RStudio.
  2. For error, "Error in yaml::yaml.load(string, ...) ", it shows that your yaml file may have some formatting issues. You can find an example yaml here.