Azure / Azure-Verified-Modules

Azure Verified Modules (AVM) is an initiative to consolidate and set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like. Modules will then align to these standards, across languages (Bicep, Terraform etc.) and will then be classified as AVMs and available from their respective language specific registries.
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[Module Proposal]: `Azure Update Manager` #1144

Open psinnathurai opened 3 days ago

psinnathurai commented 3 days ago

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Bicep or Terraform?


Module Classification?

Pattern Module

Module Name

Azure Update Manager

Module Details

I would like to have a Pattern Module for Azure Update Manager which creates multiple Maintenance Windows to provide multiple Update Rings. The Maintenance Windows should use a Dynamic Scope in Combination of a Tag. In this Module it should also include also the needed Azure Policies to deploy the needed Policy for AUM and for the Tag Deployment to make sure that every Azure VM and Azure Arc Enabled Server has the specific Tag defined as Required. This make sure that every server will be part of a Maintenance Window in AUM. For the Azure Policy it will also create managed Identity.

Do you want to be the owner of this module?


Module Owner's GitHub Username (handle)

No response

(Optional) Secondary Module Owner's GitHub Username (handle)

No response

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 3 days ago

[!IMPORTANT] The "Needs: Triage :mag:" label must be removed once the triage process is complete!

[!TIP] For additional guidance on how to triage this issue/PR, see the AVM Issue Triage documentation.

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 3 days ago

@psinnathurai, thanks for submitting this module proposal!

[!IMPORTANT] The AVM core team will review it and will try to find a module owner.

matebarabas commented 1 day ago

Hi @psinnathurai, thanks for proposing this module! Is this something you'd be interested in contributing to? Do you by any chance even have any code for this solution already? Please let us know! Thanks!

psinnathurai commented 1 day ago

Hi @matebarabas
This is something I would be interested in contributing. As of now I don't have any code solution ready.

matebarabas commented 13 hours ago

Thank you, @psinnathurai, for confirming you'd be interested in contributing to this module!

In order to appropriate triage this proposal, we need to go through a couple of standard questions and also finalize its name. I'll help with these steps. Then, we can advertise it within the Microsoft community, to find a Microsoft FTE module owner who you can then work with. Just to set your expectations: this can take a long(er) time, but we'll do everything we can to draw attention to it.

For pattern modules, we're always asking the person who proposes them to address these questions. Since you've already provided the context pretty well, I'd only like to ask you to further elaborate specifically on what resources would be part of this solution, and if possible, include a logical diagram that shows the architecture.

Thank you!