Azure Verified Modules (AVM) is an initiative to consolidate and set the standards for what a good Infrastructure-as-Code module looks like. Modules will then align to these standards, across languages (Bicep, Terraform etc.) and will then be classified as AVMs and available from their respective language specific registries.
At this moment the property 'publicIpAddressId' is not exposed in this module.
Creating a APIM with the virtualNetworkType set to 'Internal' without specifying a public ip adress will result in a APIM with a platformVersion stv1 to be created. stv1 will retire on august 2024.
Can you expose the property 'publicIpAddressId' to work around this issue.
Check for previous/existing GitHub issues
Regarding the module: avm/res/api-management/service
At this moment the property 'publicIpAddressId' is not exposed in this module.
Creating a APIM with the virtualNetworkType set to 'Internal' without specifying a public ip adress will result in a APIM with a platformVersion stv1 to be created. stv1 will retire on august 2024. stv1-platform-retirement-august-2024
Can you expose the property 'publicIpAddressId' to work around this issue.