Azure / AzureCacheForRedis

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Unexpected keys without expiration #11

Closed Valdeminas closed 2 years ago

Valdeminas commented 2 years ago


We use Azure redis cache. All of our keys are created with this code using StackExchange.Redis

public RedisCacheService(
            IConnectionMultiplexer cacheConnection)
            _cacheConnection = cacheConnection;
            _cache = cacheConnection.GetDatabase();

public async Task<long> IncrementAsync(string key, TimeSpan expiration)
            var redisKey = new RedisKey(key);
            var tran = _cache.CreateTransaction();
            _ = tran.StringSetAsync(redisKey, 0, expiration, When.NotExists);
            var counterTask = tran.StringIncrementAsync(redisKey, 1);
            if (await tran.ExecuteAsync())
                return await counterTask;
            throw new InvalidOperationException($"Redis transaction failed.");

I check for keys without expiry, by running this command via Redis console window in Azure portal:

EVAL "local keys = {} for i, name in ipairs('keys', '*')) do local persistent ='pttl', name) < 0 if persistent == true then table.insert(keys, name) end end return keys" 0

Over the weekend we do ~42M sets. I would expect there to be 0 keys without expiration. However, the above command returns 11. If I delete these 11 keys, after a while there again are keys without expiration.

What could be causing this?


Valdeminas commented 2 years ago

Just a quick update.

Rewrote our code to evaluate the following script

@"local current current ='incr',@key) if current == 1 then'pexpire', @key, @timeout) end return current"; And the issue now seems to be fixed.