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Redis Enterprise high Connection issue #15

Open rithinkumark1 opened 3 days ago

rithinkumark1 commented 3 days ago

I am looking to optimize the cost for Redis enterprise. Right now i am using an E100 plan When i look at the monitoring metrics i see a low utilization of CPU, low server load and low % memory usage but i see the connected client parameter the sum for last 30days to be very high approx. 2.13M. as per E100 plan 100K connection are allowed but in my case the sum of connections are way too high. What happens in this scenario?

Is there a way to optimize the connections and downgrade to a lower plan to save cost?

carldc commented 3 days ago

For connected clients its useful to look at the Max value across those 30 days, not the sum.

rithinkumark1 commented 3 days ago

@carldc Thanks for the confirmation. So that means E100 plan has upto 100k concurrent connections available right? I don't see any documentation from Microsoft for this.