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AzureRedisEvents is not published when simulating failover (via Reboot) #7

Closed arabelaa closed 2 years ago

arabelaa commented 2 years ago

I followed the steps provided and subscribed to AzureRedisEvents channel to better handle failover events.

I simulated a planned failover event via Reboot option (as mentioned but no event was published on the mentioned channel.

Is there a way to simulate a planned maintenance event? Is the event published only for premium tier?

It would be extremely helpful to have a way to validate/test that AzureRedisEvents are published in case of failover/maintenance events.

philon-msft commented 2 years ago

Hi @arabelaa, rebooting nodes should publish a notification on all cache SKUs. Is your client app able to receive other pub/sub messages?

arabelaa commented 2 years ago

It seems I am not able to receive any published messages. Which is strange because in console when psusbscribe AzureRedisEvents I am able to see the events when Reboot happens. I am using StackExchange.Redis andPrimary connection string (StackExchange.Redis) to subscribe to events.

I think there is something wrong in my setup.

I figured out the issue. I was using a custom ChannelPrefix when creating the multiplexer.

Thanks for helping out.

philon-msft commented 2 years ago

@arabelaa, good to hear that it's working for you now. Thanks for posting the solution!