during the 'Install Azure Monitor Starter Packs' wizard the name for the 'Name for the new Grafana environment' is not checked correctly
I got the deployment error:
The Grafana Workspace name 'AzureMonitorStarterPacks_GRAF01' is invalid. Workspace names must contain only dashes or alphanumeric characters and be between 2 to 30 characters long. They must begin with a letter and end with a letter or digit. (Code: NameIsInvalidFormatOrTooLong)
but the check on the wizard page is not implement or activated at all
during the 'Install Azure Monitor Starter Packs' wizard the name for the 'Name for the new Grafana environment' is not checked correctly
I got the deployment error: The Grafana Workspace name 'AzureMonitorStarterPacks_GRAF01' is invalid. Workspace names must contain only dashes or alphanumeric characters and be between 2 to 30 characters long. They must begin with a letter and end with a letter or digit. (Code: NameIsInvalidFormatOrTooLong)
but the check on the wizard page is not implement or activated at all