Azure / CloudShell

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[Feature Request] Include Nerd Fonts/Powerline #243

Open mateuszdrab opened 2 years ago

mateuszdrab commented 2 years ago

I don't think this change can be done in the actual docker image, as this is related to the UI of the shell console, so I apologize if I posted this in a wrong repository.

The cloud shell currently supports only 2 fonts, Consolas and Monospace.

I'm using Oh-My-Posh and other customizations that make use of additional glyphs not available in those fonts. This makes the shell UI look pretty ugly as seen below. I'd like to explore the possibility of including one/some of the PL or NF fonts which can be found in the projects below:


Of course, adding them all is unnecessary, but those utilities even allow to patch the existing fonts, such as Consolas, to enable them to feature the extra glyphs without hainvg to use a different font.

Could some of the fonts be evaluated against being added into the cloud shell?


maertendMSFT commented 2 years ago

We are actively working on some large UX changes that could improve this experience. We will not fix this issue before that point.

Leaving this issue open, as the issue will persist until we have completed out update. No ETA to publicly share at this point.

clemlesne commented 1 year ago

Would be useful to be able to customize the font name. It could use the fonts installed locally.