Azure / Commercial-Marketplace-SaaS-Accelerator

A reference example with sample code for developers interested publishing transactable, Software as a-Service offers in the Microsoft commercial marketplace.
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CloudShell is having .net framework 7.x.x #717

Open sb-armada opened 3 weeks ago

sb-armada commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug All the installation scripts is enforcing to have 6.x.x version where as cloud shell is having 7.x.x version and is breaking the installation. How do you get around this ?

dotnet --info result:

.NET SDK: Version: 7.0.408 Commit: 03a0111c2e

Runtime Environment: OS Name: mariner OS Version: 2.0 OS Platform: Linux RID: linux-x64 Base Path: /usr/share/dotnet/sdk/7.0.408/

Host: Version: 8.0.4 Architecture: x64 Commit: 2d7eea2529

.NET SDKs installed: 7.0.408 [/usr/share/dotnet/sdk]

sb-armada commented 3 weeks ago

@santhoshb-msft - can you suggest what to do for this issue pls ? This is blocking us from releasing.

santhoshb-msft commented 3 weeks ago

@sb-armada are you using the complete installation script outlined hereas is? This should address the installation of dotnet 6 and global.json in the repo will have cli to use dotnet 6

sb-armada commented 3 weeks ago

@santhoshb-msft - Yes, I'm using as-is. .Net 6 installation fails/aborts since .net 7 installation exists. Did you happen to try it out with latest Azure cloud shell and it works ?

sb-armada commented 3 weeks ago

@santhoshb-msft - any update on trying out on Azure cloud shell ? Thanks.

santhoshb-msft commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @sb-armada to your ealier q, we do deployments on cloudshell almost every day. are you using powershell or bash?

pannipasra commented 3 weeks ago



Maybe you have to kill the cloud shell terminal first and then run the command again, I tried today and can deploy successful.

My first issue is I did not specific version of dotnet so they installed version 7 for me, then I kill terminal and open again with this... (might help)

wget; `
chmod +x; `
./ -version 6.0.417; `
$ENV:PATH="$HOME/.dotnet:$ENV:PATH"; `
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 6.0.1; `
git clone -b 7.6.2 --depth 1; `
cd ./Commercial-Marketplace-SaaS-Accelerator/deployment; `
.\Deploy.ps1 `
 -WebAppNamePrefix "{{UNIQUE-NAME}}" `
 -PublisherAdminUsers "" `
 -Location "{{VALID-LOCATION}}"