Azure / DotNetty

DotNetty project – a port of netty, event-driven asynchronous network application framework
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Error #145

Closed webconfig closed 8 years ago

webconfig commented 8 years ago

EventId : 4, Level : Warning, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Transport .Channels.DefaultChannelPipeline] [message : An ExceptionCaught() event was fire d, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.] [exception : System.ObjectDispos edException: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'. at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, SocketError& errorCode) at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpSocketChannel.DoReadBytes(IByteBuff er byteBuf) at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.AbstractSocketByteChannel.SocketByteCh annelUnsafe.FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)] , EventName : War ningInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T09:52:35.2307543Z, ProcessId : 7452, ThreadId : 7288

EventId : 4, Level : Warning, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Transport .Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel] [message : Failed to create a new chan nel from an accepted socket.] [exception : System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0 x80004005): 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。 at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.SocketChannelAsyncOperation.Validate()

at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.TcpServerSocket ChannelUnsafe.FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)] , EventName : W arningInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.8047198Z, ProcessId : 7452, ThreadId : 8832

EventId : 3, Level : Informational, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Han dlers.Logging.LoggingHandler] [message : [id: 0x716ab942, [::ffff:0:0]:3333] EXC EPTION: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): 远程主机强迫关闭了一个 现有的连接。 at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.SocketChannelAsyncOperation.Validate()

at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.TcpServerSocket ChannelUnsafe.FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)] [info : System. Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。 at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.SocketChannelAsyncOperation.Validate()

at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.TcpServerSocket ChannelUnsafe.FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)] , EventName : I nfoInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.9140955Z, ProcessId : 7452, ThreadId : 8832

EventId : 4, Level : Warning, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Transport .Channels.DefaultChannelPipeline] [message : An ExceptionCaught() event was fire d, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.] [exception : System.Net.Sockets. SocketException (0x80004005): 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。 at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.SocketChannelAsyncOperation.Validate()

at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.TcpServerSocket ChannelUnsafe.FinishRead(SocketChannelAsyncOperation operation)] , EventName : W arningInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.9140955Z, ProcessId : 7452, ThreadId : 8832

EventId : 3, Level : Informational, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Han dlers.Logging.LoggingHandler] [message : [id: 0x716ab942, [::ffff:0:0]:3333] EXC EPTION: System.ObjectDisposedException: Safe handle has been closed at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AcceptAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.ScheduleSocketR ead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.AbstractSocketChannel.DoBeginRead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.AbstractChannel.AbstractUnsafe.BeginRead()] [i nfo : System.ObjectDisposedException: Safe handle has been closed at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AcceptAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.ScheduleSocketR ead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.AbstractSocketChannel.DoBeginRead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.AbstractChannel.AbstractUnsafe.BeginRead()] , EventName : InfoInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.9453457Z, ProcessId : 7452 , ThreadId : 8832

EventId : 4, Level : Warning, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Transport .Channels.DefaultChannelPipeline] [message : An ExceptionCaught() event was fire d, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception.] [exception : System.ObjectDispos edException: Safe handle has been closed at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AcceptAsync(SocketAsyncEventArgs e) at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.TcpServerSocketChannel.ScheduleSocketR ead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.Sockets.AbstractSocketChannel.DoBeginRead() at DotNetty.Transport.Channels.AbstractChannel.AbstractUnsafe.BeginRead()] , EventName : WarningInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.9453457Z, ProcessId : 7 452, ThreadId : 8832

EventId : 3, Level : Informational, Message : , Payload : [source : DotNetty.Han dlers.Logging.LoggingHandler] [message : [id: 0x716ab942, [::ffff:0:0]:3333] UNR EGISTERED] [info : ] , EventName : InfoInfo, Timestamp : 2016-07-24T11:30:56.945 3457Z, ProcessId : 7452, ThreadId : 8832

nayato commented 8 years ago

duplicate #133